Wednesday, December 31, 2003

Doggie Duplex : Phase VIII...

After successfully filling in all the spots with insulation, it was now time to put the outside walls up. Now things are really coming along and starting to look like a big time dog house. Pretty cool.

Eddie's checking the interior view from the west wing window.

Tuesday, December 30, 2003

Doggie Duplex : Phase VII...

After the interior walls were complete it was time to put in the isulation. Again, my dad had some extra in storage, so we thought it'd be cool to add that fancy feature to their new pad. V took the necessary precautions, cause you don't want to risk be breathing in all those fiberglass pieces.

Supervisor Eddie on the job.

Monday, December 29, 2003

Doggie Duplex : Phase VI...

V put up the inside walls on the doghouse and it's really starting to look pretty cool. My dad had some old skool wood paneling in storage, so we decided to make the dog house extra funky and put it in. That stuff must have been in our attic for at LEAST 10 years!

Eddie's stretching out and making himself home with the wood panels filling up the rooms.

Duke's not so sure of the wood paneling idea. It kinda freaks him out.

Sunday, December 28, 2003

Doggie Duplex : Phase V...

After the walls were put up, V started piecing together the roof. Duke & Eddie took it easy and just made sure they soaked up all the sun from the afternoon. Perfect size for napping.

Totally sprawled out with room to spare. It's good to know they're actively participating in the creation of their new pad.

Creating the peak on the west wing roof was a bit tricky to do, but it sure did look nice in the end!

Saturday, December 27, 2003

Doggie Duplex : Phase IV...

This is the first day of the real build. V built the base of the house to fit the dimensions of his frame he already created. We took all the parts out of the garage and into the backyard for the final positioning.

V putting up the last of the walls. Duke & Eddie are making sure V knows who he's working for.

Here's the view from inside the room on the west wing.

Eddie's allways there to make sure you always have enough slobber on the job.

V put the pieces together pretty quick, with the help of his handy power toys. The house was actually starting to come together and looking pretty cool. We both couldn't wait til it was done. Kind of looks like an episode of "This Old (dog) House".

Friday, December 26, 2003

Xmas fun for all!

V wanted to try out his new RC hovercraft that he got from his sister. It made lots of noise and moved pretty fast on the water.

V thought it was pretty cool. Duke & Eddie were a little freaked out by it in the beginning. Duke got so curious he kept trying to bite the rubber balloon part that made the toy float. It was funny to see V squeal like a little kid every time Duke got close. HAHA

Thursday, December 25, 2003

Merry Xmas!

We decided to send out xmas cards this year to our friends and family. Me & V really didn't feel like posing for them this year, so we used a couple substitutes.

Pretty cool, huh! V's the master at photoshop! =) I like the winter-y backdrop he festive!

Have a Merry Xmas!!!

Saturday, December 20, 2003

Xmas photo shoot…Take 4.

Thursday, December 18, 2003

Dog tired...

You know the phrase. Where you're so tired that you can barely keep your eyes open.

Thanya was nice enough to hold Duke up so he wouldn't fall flat on his face.

Wednesday, December 17, 2003

Xmas photo shoot…Take 3.

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Xmas photo shoot...Take 2.

Friday, December 12, 2003

Doggie Duplex : Phase III...

We needed to make sure that the size of the rooms were big enough for Duke & Eddie to lay down and still be comfy. Done. I don't think they will have a hard time adjusting to their new place. Just a hunch.

Thursday, December 11, 2003

Xmas photo shoot...Take 1.

It's not easy being the photographer.

Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Doggie Duplex : Phase II...

V finished on the initial layout for the framing and roofing supports. It looks pretty cool so far and this is just the beginning! I think Eddie likes it already. He's trying in on for size...perfect! Looks like he already claimed his room.

Sunday, December 07, 2003

Doggie Duplex : Phase I...

V started on the rough design of the doghouse. He's very good with details and precision, so I know it's going to turn out amazing. I still can't believe he basically did the whole frame from his head. So cool!

Here's V working on the frame, making sure the walls will support the roof. This is the front view of the porch and one of the window frames already up.

Saturday, December 06, 2003


On getting rid of his sock tan.

Tuesday, December 02, 2003


A sea of orange and blue.