Go ahead, make my day...
Duke eyeing Eddie's every move, making sure Eddie doesn't get any closer to his loot.
Duke eyeing Eddie's every move, making sure Eddie doesn't get any closer to his loot.
I wonder if they make toupees for the less fortunate? We can donate about 2 lbs a day if they need it!
Duke never takes his eyes off his most prized possession. Not even for water breaks.
So glad I don't have to deal with the guilt of seeing this sad face anymore.
When we bring the dogs into the kitchen, we always tell them to stay off the carpet. Most of the time they do pretty well. Alot of the times, they like to tease us and get as close as possible to the carpet without actually touching it. I think they team up just to push our buttons.
Duke was really lonely when Eddie was incarcerated. So much that he started to take up Eddie's unusual habits. Duke was starting to mimic Eddie's transporting talent, but I think Eddie has been in the game far longer than Duke. The quantity per mouthload just isn't the same, but in due time Duke will catch up and shovel just as much as Eddie.
Duke is always pulling blankets out from his house. He ends up scooting it into the sun and arranging it into a little pile of fabric. He has to curl his body up just to fit on the silly thing.
Took Eddie to the vet yesterday for his 2nd ACL check-up. There's some good news and some bad news.
We went out last week to do some errands. We were probably only gone for about an hour or so. But we came home to this.
Eddie is still shedding like crazy. Fur. Everywhere. So much that it even sticks to the side of his cage!
Took Eddie out for his potty break & came back to see this...
Eddie's hair was almost fully grown in 6 weeks after his first surgery. Then they had to shave it all off again and we had to start all over after his 2nd surgery. This time his hair seems to be growing in a little slower. I think it's cause he's been in a warm house and his fur probably still thinks it's summer.
One last beach picture for the road. This picture was taken on Eddie's last day out before his 2nd surgery in December. I guess he was gathering himself & his thoughts before his 2nd run on his 8 week recovery.
Duke throwing hints into the kitchen again. He's always ready for the next contestant.
Duke trying to get the sand out of his mouth after picking his ball up for the 10th time. (Another pic from the nice beach day last month.)
2 of my 3 favorite boys watching the sunset last time we were at the beach.
I like to take Eddie out of the cage once in a while just to give him a little bit of freedom. He looks so peacefull and comfy in this position.
We were in the backyard on Saturday to cut down some leaves from the birds of paradise monster. Duke didn't like it very much. Everytime a big leaf would fall, he would run away and hide behind Eddie. I guess he thought that the big green things were gunna get him if he didn't move out of the way.
When I bring Duke inside at night, I put his cushion right next to Eddie's cage. I think Duke was upset that he got kicked out of the cage yesterday, so he moved his bed and ignored Eddie the whole night.
We took Eddie's cage out again to give him some sunshine and fresh air today. When I took Eddie to go to the bathroom, I came back to see this.
I don't know if it's because of the summer weather we've been having this winter, but Eddie's fur is starting to shed a few months too early this year.
Poor Eddie. Whenever he gives this look it reminds me so much of Eeyore (from Winnie the Pooh) when he loses his tail. I hope the next 6 weeks will fly by.