Happy Halloween!!!
Here are the boys after surviving the trick-or-treat'ers of the nite & suffering from rawhide chewy coma. They're not the type to dress up in costume, but they did come equipt with a creepy Halloween glow in their eyes.
Here are the boys after surviving the trick-or-treat'ers of the nite & suffering from rawhide chewy coma. They're not the type to dress up in costume, but they did come equipt with a creepy Halloween glow in their eyes.
Eddie loves nuthing more than to feel the cool waves against his hot, hairy legs. This picture just oozes "Aaahhhhhh-ness".
Duke & Eddie had a blast at Toby's beach. They kept running back n' forth from one side of the beach to the other, just playing in the sand & the surf. So much to see, so little time!
Duke & Eddie couldn't figure out why in the world Toby would dig himself a hole to sit in. Was he trying to hide from them? Was he burying something? I think the boys were a little confused & they didn't know what to think of it, so they just watched him do his thing. I wonder if they were actually observing Toby's technique so they could try it for themselves one day.
We spotted another dog enjoying the beach & he decided to join the boys in the water. He was a cute, friendly Newfoundland with very bad allergies. Poor guy, he kept rubbing his face in the sand cause it was so itchy. But at least he enjoyed walking in the cold water, it must have felt good on his skin.
After me & Amy relaxed on the sand & ate lunch, we took the boys down to the other end of the beach near the tidepools. Duke and Eddie loved it & they even got Toby to get out of his tent! Hey, that's a big accomplishment when it comes to the Tobster & the beach! Amy was gushing with pride! Eddie really enjoyed the deeper parts of the tidepool area, taking Duke into parts he would normally avoid. Eddie even posed on a rock, like he just claimed some type of new land as his own.
Duke & Eddie were off! They didn't even wait for me to put my stuff down before they jumped into the water! I think the excitement of the day got the best of them & they were like puppies again, investigating everything new that they came across. Toby, of course, went straight for his tent. Amy couldn't get the thing up fast enough for him! Silly Toby, he always knows how to make me laugh.
Me & the boys were so excited to see this beach for the 1st time! We walked down this dirt trail behind the golf course & finally got a glimpse of the secluded, empty beach. Duke even took a moment to stop & enjoy the view. Even tho it was near the end of October, it was hot enough to be summer. It was perfect weather for the cold waters of the South Bay.
Me & the boys made it to Toby & Amy's house, then it was off to the beach! It was such a beautiful Friday, with clear blue skies & Catalina in the background. Duke & Eddie seemed so excited because they had no idea where they were going & for Toby...it was just another normal day at his favorite beach. He loved soaking in the sun on the ride there, eyes almost shut and nose pointed to the sky.
We all went out to visit Toby & Amy today, so we could check out their 'hood. It was nice to take Duke & Eddie to a different beach & get them out of Huntington for a bit. They boys were so happy to be riding in the truck & feeling the wind thru their fur.
The weekend passed without any major hiccups & soon enough Max was on his way home. I think the poor, little guy was a bit homesick. Sometimes he would just sit at the door, hoping to get a chance to come indoors (to escape). I can't imagine what it's like staying over someone's house...especially if they're the overpossessive, obsessive-compulsive, won't-ever-let-you-out-of-their-site type of hosts like Duke & Eddie. Thanks for staying with us, Max. See you soon!
Duke & Eddie had to make sure that Max's housing was up to their code for backyard use. Eddie was acting supervisor on shift while Duke performed the inspection. It was a close call when Duke found one of his toys underneath a blanket, but he was very professional & did not let his emotions take over the situation. The rest of the inspection went without incident & Max was cleared for the overnite stay.
Every move you make, I'll be watching you. I have a feeling Duke doesn't trust Max in his backyard.
Poor Max. For some reason Eddie loves to follow him everywhere! Maybe Eddie is just drawn to Max's beautiful color...or maybe it's because Eddie can't figure out how there's another one of him in the backyard, but smaller. Either way, something is making Eddie stick to Max like glue. I think it's kinda cute. In a way it reminds me of Scooby Doo & Scrappy.
Max stayed at our house for a few days & I think the boys enjoyed it. It was weird seeing 3 dogs at our back door on those days. Even tho Max is tiny, that 1 extra dog can make the backyard crowded.
V was messing around on the electric guitar the other nite. Either Eddie really loved V's solo performance & decided to join in, or his ears were in so much pain that he couldn't hold his agony in any longer.
Since Eddie was shut out, Duke felt bad for him & let him switch chewies. Now they're both happy & content, knawing on their treats & sharing a bed.
Eddie doesn't like to eat a chewy unless Duke has already made it mushy & has gotten all his slobber on it. I don't know why he does this, but Eddie does alot of things without explanation. He is always on the lookout for when Duke isn't paying attention, just so he can do the switcheroo with the chewies. So, Eddie decided to get as close to Duke as he could by sitting on the same cushion. I think Duke knew Eddie's game plan, cause he turned away pretty fast.